Can you believe it? We’re now into the last week of the month! January is making its grand exodus. If this speed is any indicator of how swiftly 2022 will pass us by, my head’s going to spin! How have you spent the last 3 weeks? What have you done differently?
And no, I’m not asking if you’ve gone to the gym 7x/week like you put on your vision board or if you’ve really drank that gallon of water (every…single…day) you committed to drinking. I’m asking about actual life changing, sustainable actions. Don’t get me wrong, the water is good … and working out is great… but we often give ourselves unattainable goals. We set ourselves up for personal disappointment (that tells our spirits that we have failed). Let’s stop doing that. Let’s give ourselves the same grace that we extend to others. We deserve it. YOU deserve it! So, what can you commit to (even if it’s just for a week) that you can achieve? I started this year off making quite a few commitments (& recommitments) involving both my family and my business. I am happy to report that I am still on track with both of those efforts. The commitment to Herb’n Lifestyle, LLC brings us here to this newsletter.
This is our first Newsletter! (Let’s call it a pre-newsletter!) And I couldn’t be more excited!! In honor of finally releasing the newsletter, use code FINALLY on the website to get 10% off your next order through 2/15/22.
In these newsletters I will share what’s new with Herb’n Lifestyle. I’ll let you know if there are any local events or popups where you can find me. I’ll share recipes and an herb of the month. CANNOT WAIT!!
Until Next Month … Herbally Yours, Gerard the Herbalist