Since I became a student of the healing arts, the ancient science of Iridology has always fascinated me. Iridology is the study of the iris, the colored part of the eye, which can reveal patterns and signs that correspond to a person’s overall health. This non-invasive technique has been used for centuries as a diagnostic tool in holistic health.
I remember being at work with my headphones on, listening to YouTube videos by Dr. Robert Morse about healing the body through detoxification for hours at a time, daily. Every so often, he would mention Iridology, show an eye, and explain how the signs revealed root causes and weaknesses affecting overall health. One of his video titles, "The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul," resonated deeply with me and sparked my determination to learn more about Iridology.
About two years after discovering Dr. Morse’s teachings, I enrolled in Trinity School of Natural Health's Certified Natural Health Professional course. Within the curriculum, I was introduced to the basics of Iridology. The course materials included an iris chart, a light/magnifying glass combination, and a pocket-sized book titled "Iridology Simplified." When the Iridology module began, I was eager to put what I had learned into practice.
The first set of eyes I analyzed belonged to a young man in my community who suffered from chronic tearing and dryness of the eyes. I met him through a friend, and whenever I saw him, I would jokingly say, "Hey, I’m going to tell your momma you’re out here smoking," just to let him know I was watching him and his habits. One day, he came to me seeking help, explaining that his eyes were excessively running and that he had been through multiple brain surgeries. He was a big guy with no facial hair, low testosterone levels, and an abnormal body structure. At 30 years old, he had no children, dressed well, and was rarely seen with women other than his mother. His physical appearance often left people unsure of his gender. All these factors triangulated with the signs of a weak glandular system that I discovered during my analysis.
A mutual friend invited us to her house so I could take a picture of his eye. During the reading, I discovered signs of a pituitary weakness in his right eye. I also observed dark pigmentation in the reaction field of the pituitary gland and other areas of the brain, suggesting additional stress or imbalances in these regions. The pituitary gland, often called the master gland, plays a critical role in hormonal balance and overall body regulation. In both eyes, I observed white pigmentation in the areas corresponding to the bladder, penis, prostate, and scrotum, as well as indications in the nervous system area of the testes within the right iris. This white pigmentation pointed to overactivity or inflammation in these areas. These signs suggested imbalances in his reproductive and urinary systems.
When I shared my findings and asked questions about his health, he confirmed experiencing issues related to these areas, which he hadn’t connected to his chronic eye condition. Another recommendation I gave him was an herbal formula I created called "Eye Restoration Rinse," designed to help cleanse and support his eyes. The first time I saw him after the iris reading, he told me how the herbs had been helping with his eye dripping. After we spoke that day, he would often share something he was working on to improve his health, and I would always remind him that slow and steady wins the race—doing nothing leaves you where you stand. With my knowledge of detoxification and natural health, I suggested he stay hydrated and do his absolute best to eat more live foods. I also showed him a few breathing exercises to help bring in fresh oxygen, which could aid in pushing inflammation out of the body. Then, I gave him the speech I share with so many young men like him about how smoking was one of the worst decisions I ever made for my health. I educated him on how the breath he breathes is key to healing and how smoking uses the lungs to push toxins into the bloodstream. I encouraged him to take it day by day, find a bad habit to quit, and a good one to pick up.
The last time I saw him, he told me he had stopped smoking and had been smoke-free for two weeks at that moment. This was about three years ago. With this being my first iris reading, I gained the confidence to use nutrition, hydration, herbs, and holistic modalities to help people achieve optimal wellness. This first experience reaffirmed my belief in Iridology's potential. By understanding the body's story through the eyes, I realized how deeply interconnected our systems are. From that day forward, I carried my magnifying glass and cellphone everywhere, eager to help others uncover the messages hidden in their eyes.
After several years in naturopathic school, I completed Trinity School of Natural Health's Master Iridology course and became a Master Iridologist and a Certified Comprehensive International Iridologist. Today, I have analyzed hundreds of eyes, helping people identify potential health issues before they manifest and providing recommendations for natural healing through nutrition, lifestyle changes, hydration, rest, spirituality, and herbal remedies.
If you’re curious about what your eyes can reveal about your health, I’d love to guide you on this journey. Your new life starts as soon as you’re ready to let the old one go. The beauty of Iridology is that you can get a look at your strengths and weaknesses, making it easier to find the right direction to a pain- and dis-ease-free life. Contact me today to schedule an iris reading and take the first step toward understanding your body's unique story.
Gerard A., Holistic Health Practitioner
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Have you ever wondered what your eyes might reveal about your health? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments—I’d love to hear from you!